Friday, May 13, 2011

St. Kim Taegon Catholic Church, Richmond, VA


St. Kim Taegon

The Sanctuary

The "Tantum Ergo" in Korean!!

And yes, the entire Mass was in Korean! But since it was still the Mass, I could follow along fairly well (yay! ^_^), and just said the prayers quietly in English. After all, the Eucharist is the Eucharist, and Jesus is Jesus, regardless of the language you use to pray ^_^
Two observations:
1) They are VERY into the "sacred silence" bits of the Mass, which are usually much shorter in English and Spanish Masses. It was hard for me to just sit quietly and be still; I kept catching myself fidgeting and whining inwardly that we ought to get on to the next part of the Mass already, sheesh. Patience is something I really need to work on! lol
2) Where we would raise our hands as we say "and also with you"/"Y con tu espiritu," they bow instead.

And there was a very nice nun, Sr. Lady-vina (at least that's how it sounded), who came over to welcome me. She's with the Little Sisters of the Holy Family and invited me to come to Sunday Mass, after which they have a big community dinner with tasty, tasty Korean food. Mmmm. I just wish I could get someone to go with me. Any takers?

I'd debated with myself about whether or not to go, but God gave me the distinct impression that I should go. And I'm glad I did; it was quite the experience!


Unknown said...

Know I'm a bit late to this but going to this seems pretty awesome.

Unknown said...
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