I awoke very early this morning, even for me -- 4am! The TV helps me fall asleep, but Animal Planet (my favorite channel) had "Lost Tapes" on, so I turned to EWTN. To be honest, I was thinking "this channel is usually very boring" (except for Life on the Rock, of course! ^_~). But not so this morning! I had forgotten -- they were broadcasting the Beatification of Pope John Paul II live! :D
I was originally planning to watch it, but then decided I'd sleep instead and watch it online later.
Apparently God had other ideas! ^_~
It was a beautiful ceremony, with pilgrims from all over the world. Among them, Poland was very well-represented, being the late Pope's homeland. And I'll admit it, I cried a few times :')
Especially touching for me is that today is also Divine Mercy Sunday: "My daughter, tell the whole world about My inconceivable mercy. I desire that the Feast of Mercy be a refuge and shelter for all souls, and especially for poor sinners. I pour out a whole ocean of graces upon those souls who approach the fount of My mercy" (Diary, 699) . We are reminded of God's infinite mercy for us and His love, which shined through Blessed Pope John Paul II, in his life and in his writings. On a personal note, the late pontiff's "Theology of the Body" and "Mulieris Dignitatem" helped to heal some very deep wounds in my past that kept me from experiencing Christ's love, particularly His love expressed through His Church. I can now sincerely sing "¡Confíar en Ti! ¡Confíar en Ti! ¡Ahí está mi fuerza!¡Y confíar en, confíar en Ti!"
Saint Faustina, pray for us!
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