The Mass for Easter Sunday is pretty similar to Mass every Sunday, except instead of the Profession of Faith, we have the renewal of Baptismal vows and sprinkling with Holy Water (for the folks who weren't at the Vigil last night). Aaand the best part of Easter Sunday Mass is that Mom and Amber usually come with me! Except this year B didn't come; it was just Mom and me :'(
Anyways, on to the pictures!
Folks all did up in their Sunday best ^_^
The sprinkling with Holy Water. And I just have to say that Fr Peter is not stingy with the water at all! He made sure everyone got a drop on them, and some of us got quite a bit more! lol
Father mixing the water and wine before the Consecration of the Eucharist
And the procession following the Dismissal.
And after Mass we talked a bit with Niel-Ann, my good friend and old Sunday School teacher, and then I ran around taking random pictures:
Look! Little basket birdies! ^_^
I <3 seeing my church decorated all purdy!
Mom waiting for me to stop running around like a fool. Isn't she pretty? I was dressed up, too, but there's no evidence! Haha!
Little statue of the Mother Mary outside the Sunday School building
The Virgin Mary and St. Joseph on either side of the cross
Ever since reading Infinite Space, Infinite God II I absolutely LOVE statues of the Virgin Mary that show her crushing the serpent! *g*
And what is it about Southerners and gathering on porches? ^_~
Almost forgot to mention that we sang two of my very favorite hymns during Mass!
"How Can I Keep from Singing?" and "Lord of the Dance" (the latter is such a hippie-dippie folk song, and that's why I LOVE it lol).
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